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    This request for access to information is made under the Personal Information Protection Act. Please note that you may be contacted to verify your identity and to confirm your request. The Release of Information will be as referenced in RSAP Procedural Rule 3.2 and Rule 3.7.

    3.2 Collection
    Personal information is collected by the third party case administration relating to participant workers in order to administer RSAP. This personal information relating to each participant worker may include:

    • Name

    • SIN

    • Address and telephone numbers

    • Birth date

    • Union

    • Trade

    • Alcohol and other drug test results

    • Employment information

    • Substance abuse expert assessment and recommendations

    • Treatment reports

    • Case management file

    • Relevant medical information from attending physician, and

    • Other information reasonably necessary for administering RSAP.

    3.7 Access
    Participant workers have the right to access personal information retained about them. A participant worker can access his or her personal information by making a written request to the RSAP privacy officer. The officer will provide the necessary forms and assistance to make the request and obtain the information. If the participant worker believes that some of the personal information is incorrect, he or she can request the information be corrected. RSAP may charge a participant worker for incurred expenses in responding to an access request. If RSAP decides that a charge is appropriate, a written estimate will be provided to the participant worker prior to providing access. Any concerns with the estimated charge should be directed to the RSAP privacy officer. Information will be provided in paper format only. Homewood Health Inc. will require identification and payment ($150 Administration Fee + $0.25 per page) (in the event additional charges apply, you will be notified before they initiate file assembly) prior to releasing your personal information.