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Alberta’s Economic Outlook: Preparing for Growth in 2025

ATB’s latest quarterly outlook report expressed cautious optimism is what ATB forecasts for the country’s economic landscape as we near 2025. To recap, Alberta’s economy is set for stronger growth, estimated at 2.5% this year and 2.8% next year, outpacing the national rate. The energy sector is revitalizing through improved market access and investments in hydrogen and petrochemicals. Rapid population increases are fueling new home construction, while tech and aviation industries are gaining ground. In terms of housing, the market is tight, driven by the province’s skyrocketing population with housing starts reaching levels not seen for nearly 20 years. The unemployment rate is expected to remain above 7% for the rest of the year, though it may gradually decline as job growth continues and migration slows, despite ongoing labour shortages in various sectors, including accommodation, food, and construction. Encouragingly for CLRA, Alberta’s economy is experiencing significant new growth in major projects in a variety of sectors – including decarbonization, where it stands as Canada’s leading hydrogen producer. Key ventures include Air Products’ $1.6 billion Net Zero Hydrogen Energy Complex in Edmonton, which will support Imperial Oil’s renewable diesel facility. Another is the Dow Path2Zero project in Fort Saskatchewan, valued at

Gender Equality Week and the Trades

September 22-29th marks Gender Equality Week, as recently announced by Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women Tanya Fir. At CLRA, we believe it is essential to reflect on the representation of women in the skilled trades, especially within the construction industry. While Alberta has made significant strides toward gender equality, the underrepresentation of women in these vital fields underscore the challenges we face in the ongoing labour shortage. Alberta is on the brink of a transformative period, with more than $22 billion in proposed or confirmed projects slated for the coming years. These initiatives, alongside the remarkable recent increase in population, present tremendous opportunities for our province in terms of economic growth and diversification. However, we cannot fully seize these opportunities without a robust skilled trades workforce. We must continue to foster a culture that encourages women to pursue careers in the skilled trades. This requires not just policy changes but a collective commitment to challenge biases and support initiatives that promote inclusivity. One way that CLRA is doing this is through our new website where we have compiled several education, apprenticeship and training resources for women looking to enter the trades. We also reshare other organizations’ –

Supporting Alberta’s Skilled Trades: The Journey to Becoming a Journeyperson

As a key player in the construction and labour sectors, CLRA was excited to see the Business Council of Alberta (BCA) launch their “The Journey to Becoming a Journeyperson” taskforce-led project earlier this week. This initiative comes at a critical time, as Alberta faces a rising demand for skilled tradespeople amid its rapidly expanding population and growing list of upcoming major projects. Report author Dylan Kelso shared that BCA’s ultimate goal with this project is to suggest policy recommendations on how to increase the number of skilled tradespeople in our province. This project is a commendable effort to support aspiring tradespeople in navigating the certification process. With its detailed step-by-step breakdown of credentials and training programs for various starting points, it aims to demystify the journey toward becoming a journeyperson, making it more accessible for all Albertans looking to join or switch into the trades. Projects like this are vital for the long-term health of the construction industry – and by compiling education and training resources on our newly launched website, CLRA is helping to accomplish the same goal. By equipping individuals with the knowledge and resources they need, we can collectively address labour shortages and strengthen Alberta’s workforce. We

Building Futures in the Trades: New School Collegiate Programs

As students return to school this fall, Alberta is investing significantly in career education to align better with opportunities arising from our booming economy. With a focus on fueling interest and growth in various sectors, including the skilled trades, the provincial government is establishing clearer pathways for youth to pursue and secure fulfilling careers in the construction industry. Seven new collegiate programs will be introduced across Alberta during the 2024-25 school year. These programs are geared towards piquing student interest in trades careers (amongst others) and to provide them with the pathways and opportunities to fulfill them. Developed in partnership with post-secondary institutions, these initiatives feature blended learning, combining in-person studies with online learning experiences. CLRA supports innovative education avenues, including the seven upcoming collegiate programs that encourage high school students to pursue the skilled trades. We are currently promoting our new ‘Build Your Future’ digital campaign, focused on inspiring individuals of all backgrounds and abilities to consider joining skilled profession training programs and apprenticeships. We believe that these initiatives will help equip young people with the necessary skills to thrive in Alberta’s dynamic construction job market – and further contribute to the province’s economic advantage. Read the government’s full

CLRA Granted Position on the Alberta Board of Skilled Trades

CLRA is pleased to announce that our President, Joe McFadyen, was recently granted a position on the Alberta Board of Skilled Trades by Minister of Advanced Education Rajan Sawhney. We are honoured and excited to have the opportunity to contribute to this board’s vital work over the next three years. We have played a crucial role in guiding Alberta’s unionized construction employers through labour negotiations for over 50 years, uniting contractors, owners, and skilled tradespeople to strengthen local and provincial economies. Whether by ensuring our presence on boards like ABST, or promoting education resources to prospective tradespeople through our new campaign, we are dedicated to advancing the skilled trades in this province. Learn more about the Alberta Board of Skilled Trades here. Check out the other members of ABST here.

Linde Commits to Long-Term Clean Hydrogen Supply for Dow’s Path2Zero Project

Yesterday, Linde announced its plans to build a $2-billion clean hydrogen and atmospheric gases facility in Fort Saskatchewan’s Industrial Heartland. This first-of-its-kind facility will be a key player in Dow’s Path2Zero Project, an ambitious initiative aimed at achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Alberta remains at the forefront of hydrogen production and clean energy technology, with this latest news building on other significant announcements made late last year. In its first phase, Linde will supply clean hydrogen, nitrogen, and other essential services to support Dow’s pioneering net-zero emissions integrated ethylene cracker and derivatives site. The complex will also provide clean hydrogen to both existing and new industrial clients aiming to reduce their carbon footprint. It is expected to capture and sequester over 2 million metric tons of carbon annually. Notably for CLRA and its members, this facility will generate 750 temporary jobs and 60 permanent positions in the construction industry. Linde’s investment builds on Alberta’s efforts with the Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Hub and the Alberta Petroleum Incentive Program (APIP) by driving thousands of jobs and billions in investment – all while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. When completed in 2028, Linde’s new complex will stand as Canada’s

Today’s New Workforce – Our Latest Digital Campaign

CLRA is excited to share the launch of our newest social media campaign this week, which is dedicated to showcasing career, education, and training opportunities in the skilled trades for groups that are statistically underrepresented in the construction industry. This includes women, newcomers to Canada, Indigenous peoples, veterans, and those with disabilities. Our goal with this campaign is to challenge misconceptions and remove barriers that have traditionally prevented diverse individuals from exploring and excelling in the trades. By featuring success stories, providing targeted, valuable resources, and sharing available supports, we aim to make the trades more accessible and attractive to a broader audience. Given Alberta’s unprecedented population growth and the continual labour shortage, the need to advocate for trades careers has never been greater. The campaign will primarily run on X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and Instagram. We invite you to explore our new web page and follow our social media channels for weekly updates. We also encourage you to share our posts to help us reach a wider audience. CLRA believes that by fostering a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment, the skilled trades can benefit from a richer pool of talent and fresh perspectives. This campaign is not just about

Business Council of Alberta’s Summer 2024 Report

The Business Council of Alberta recently released their quarterly economic update, the Summer 2024 Alberta Snapshot. Covering key aspects of Alberta’s commercial landscape – economic indicators, business sentiment, policy developments, and projections for the province’s overall outlook – the report offers a clear snapshot of both current conditions and expected trends. Alberta’s economy is navigating challenges like high interest rates and inflation with resilience, showing few signs of serious distress. The labour market presents a mixed picture, with Calgary’s unemployment rate reaching 8.1% – the highest among major cities – though this may be misleading due to significant workforce expansion in the province, especially in Calgary. Business activity remains robust, with ongoing hiring and strong optimism, particularly in Edmonton. Exports of petroleum products and a rise in housing starts are bolstering recent growth, supported by the completion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline, high oil prices, and migration trends. Particularly noteworthy to CLRA members, the report highlights that optimism is strongest among professional services and construction. More than 80% of businesses in these fields express varying degrees of optimism about their future prospects, despite facing significant challenges such as labour shortages; an issue that CLRA is all too familiar with (and

CLRA Celebrates BLUprint Launch at TELUS Spark

CLRA was pleased to attend last week’s launch of BLUprint at TELUS Spark, an innovative new program designed to spark curiosity and inspire Alberta youth to explore the skilled trades. This initiative, supported by a generous grant of nearly $900,000 from the Government of Alberta’s Advanced Education Ministry and an additional $100,000 sponsorship from Calgary Construction Association, marks an exciting step forward for the future of skilled trades in our province. As representatives of Alberta construction employers, CLRA is particularly thrilled about the potential of BLUprint to encourage kids to consider careers in the skilled trades. This program, the first of its kind in Canada to combine skilled trades programming with a science centre, offers a unique opportunity for young people to engage with the trades in a fun, hands-on, and interactive environment. BLUprint features an outdoor space where youth can use real tools, gain practical experience, and understand the science behind various trades. Later in the year, the program will expand inside the science centre, providing additional opportunities for learning through virtual reality and other innovative technologies. By integrating trades education within a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) framework, BLUprint celebrates the creativity, skill, and ingenuity that

Strathcona Resources Ltd. Announcement

Strathcona Resources Ltd. has unveiled a pivotal partnership with Canada Growth Fund (CGF), marking a significant step forward in the realm of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) infrastructure in the province. This collaboration, valued at up to $2 billion, aims to facilitate the deployment of CCS technology across Strathcona’s steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) oil sands facilities in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Under the agreement, CGF will initially invest $500 million towards CCS infrastructure, with a total commitment potentially reaching $1 billion. Strathcona will lead the construction, operation, and ownership of the infrastructure, with funding split equally between CGF and Strathcona for the initial capital costs. Strathcona anticipates recovering a substantial portion of its investment through federal CCS investment tax credits and other grants. Strathcona, which currently produces approximately 90,000 barrels per day of heavy oil and bitumen, expects the CCS projects to capture up to two million tonnes of CO2 annually, significantly mitigating its carbon tax liabilities. This move is expected to counterbalance current and anticipated carbon taxes, which are a substantial component of Strathcona’s operational costs. CLRA is encouraged by this significant new project, with the knowledge that our workforce possesses the expertise to effectively contribute to such energy initiatives.

Working in Extreme Heat

With Alberta’s summer temperatures recently soaring into the 30s, ensuring the safety of construction workers is crucial. Many of our companies’ employees are spending hours working outside in the hot sun. Although susceptibility to heat-related issues varies among individuals (due to factors like age, fitness level, and acclimatization), CLRA would like to encourage everyone to take extra care when working in the heat. Employers can mitigate heat-related risks for their employees by: • Ensuring access to cool drinking water. • Enforcing regular breaks. • Planning physically demanding tasks for cooler times of the day. • Educating workers on recognizing symptoms of heat stress and the importance of prompt reporting. Workers can protect themselves by: • Drinking plenty of water, even if not feeling thirsty. • Wearing lightweight, loose-fitting clothing with necessary PPE. • Alerting supervisors immediately if experiencing symptoms of heat stress. • Adjusting work pace to avoid overexertion and prevent heat-related illness. Prioritizing heat safety protects workers during the summer months. Check out the government of Alberta’s full infographic on more tips for working in extreme heat here. Visit this page for more information on how to handle extreme heat events.

Skill Up Employment Initiative

In recent years, Alberta has faced a striking challenge in the wake of its booming population: a shortage of skilled tradespeople. This shortage not only affects industries like construction, manufacturing, and oil and gas, but also poses a broader economic risk to the province in meeting its day-to-day infrastructure needs. To combat this issue effectively, it is crucial for local organizations to bolster its efforts in offering more skilled trades employment initiatives for those interested in pursuing training and education. One such initiative is the Centre for Newcomer’s (CFN) Skill Up program. The Skill Up program is designed to provide foundational and technical skills training for newcomers wanting to enter Alberta’s construction industry and related trades. This initiative serves to bridge the gap between participants’ existing skills and educational backgrounds, as well as the specific demands of Alberta’s labour market. By offering daily classes over a 17-week period, the program ensures comprehensive training both in the classroom and on-site, all of which is fully paid, geared towards permanent residents and new Canadian citizens. Upon completion of the Skill Up course, participants receive a certificate, gain exposure to additional related courses, and future job placement opportunities. Although the most recent intake

Calgary Stampede and the Trades

Yahoo! This past week has been a whirlwind of cowboy hats, rodeo, pancakes, and meet and greets at the 2024 Calgary Stampede – otherwise known as the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth! Remarkably, despite the soaring temperatures, more than half a million people have visited the Stampede so far this year. Beyond the adrenaline rush, the Stampede is about coming together as a greater community. It’s a chance to meet new friends, reconnect with old ones, and celebrate the values of hard work, perseverance, and camaraderie that define life in Alberta and western Canada. These values not only define our province, but our diligent tradespeople and booming construction sector as well. Given the ongoing shortage of skilled trades workers, there has never been a more opportune moment to consider pursing a career in the trades. CLRA agrees with the Minister of Advanced Education – Minister Rajan Sawhney – that it’s never too early or too late to pursue an apprenticeship in some of Alberta’s most in-demand trades. If you’re enjoying the Stampede this week, be sure to drop by the Apprenticeship and Industry Training booth (Booth #2039) at the BMO Centre to learn more about training and apprenticeship opportunities in

Introduction To Pipe Trades Graduation

Construction Labour Relations Alberta attended the Educational Partnership Foundation’s (TEPF)’s “Introduction to Pipe Trades” graduation ceremony last month in Edmonton. Around the same time, other graduation ceremonies were held for future electricians, millwrights, ironworkers, carpenters, and those specializing in finishing trades, each class holding about 10-12 students. Through its presence on the Workforce Development Trust board, CLRA has partnered with TEPF, Alberta Pipe Trades College, Building Trades of Alberta, and others to fund $2.2M for this program since 2017. The Pipefitters Local Union 488 also provided resources to TEPF to facilitate this program. This initiative has enabled students to complete this training free of cost (around $5,000 per student). Closing ceremonies for these promising future tradespeople will be ongoing this month, including the Boilermaker graduations in both Edmonton and Calgary on July 19th. CLRA wishes each of these grads a bright future and a promising career in a field that is greatly needed across Alberta.

Arnold Rumbold: Honorary Electrical Installations Technology Diploma Recipient

Arnold Rumbold, a retired electrician and philanthropist, was a recipient of the 2024 Honorary Electrical Installations Technology Diploma at NAIT’s convocation ceremony last week. He’s a man who has embodied a lifelong passion for the skilled trades. His career as a master electrician and later as an esteemed estimator in the construction industry demonstrate both his technical prowess and entrepreneurial spirit. Beyond his professional achievements, Rumbold and his wife Grace are committed philanthropists. NAIT holds a special place in Rumbold’s philanthropic efforts, with the establishment of scholarships and bursaries aimed at supporting students in the trades, including initiatives that encourage female apprenticeship in traditionally male-dominated fields. Reflecting on his journey from rural beginnings to professional success, Rumbold emphasizes the importance of giving back and supporting others, inspired by his own upbringing and the opportunities he seized along the way. Arnold Rumbold’s story is a testament to the transformative power of education, innovation, and community support, highlighting how a passion for learning and a dedication to philanthropy can shape lives and communities for the better. CLRA congratulates Arnold on receiving his Electrical Installations Technology diploma. Learn more about Arnold Rumbold here.

Alberta’s Economic Outlook: Navigating Towards Growth in 2024 and Beyond

ATB recently released its quarterly economic analysis, providing wide-ranging insights into GDP, inflation, population and employment rates, and touching on sectors like agriculture, construction, and energy on both a provincial and national level. Over the past year, the province felt the bite of economic challenges caused by high interest rates, slower energy sector growth, and agriculture sector setbacks due to drought. However, ATB reports that Alberta is poised to rebound in 2025, driven by improvements in energy market access, stronger home construction, and meaningful expansion in the hydrocarbon and petrochemical manufacturing sector. Alberta’s economy has key tailwinds propelling it forward, with growth projections indicating a real GDP increase of 2.5% in 2024 and 2.7% in 2025, soundly outpacing the national average. This resurgence is marked by a shift towards multifaceted growth across sectors. Despite energy investment remaining below pre-2014 levels, expansions in sectors like hydrogen, biofuels, food manufacturing, and petrochemicals are contributing to economic vitality. Emerging industries such as technology, aviation, tourism, and film are also gaining traction, underscoring Alberta’s adaptability and potential for innovation. As evidenced by a 28% increase in building permits in early 2024, home construction is significantly driving growth, with residential investment projected to surge as

2024 Skills Canada National Competition Recap

Earlier this month, representatives from Alberta journeyed to Quebec City to compete in the 2024 Skills Canada National Competition (SCNC). After showcasing their exceptional skills on the national stage, they returned home with 36 medals. In fact, 77% of Team Alberta finished in the top 4! This impressive performance truly spotlights the dedication and capability of these future tradespeople. The Skills Canada National Competition is the premier national event for students and apprentices in various trades and technologies. Each year, over 500 of Canada’s top talents gather to compete in more than 40 different skill areas, including industrial mechanics, refrigeration and air conditioning, sheet metal work, carpentry, bricklaying, and more. During the event, thousands of students explore rewarding career opportunities in the skilled trades and technologies through dozens of exciting competitions, interactive activities, exhibitor booths, and by engaging with industry professionals. This year’s theme was “Creating Possibilities” – a fitting description given the necessary and enhanced focus on the skilled trades sector in Alberta. As our economy grows and expands, so too does the need for talented tradespeople to support our infrastructure needs. Now, more than ever, the focus on excellence in trades and technologies is being matched by employers

Build Your Future Here: NAIT’s Upcoming Advanced Skills Centre

As CLRA members are all too familiar with, the province continues to grapple with a shortage of skilled trades workers, which not only leaves critical construction jobs unfilled but increases the average Albertan’s overall cost of living. To help address this challenge – and create more opportunities for students to enter these high-demand fields – today, the Alberta government announced its investment of $43 million into the design and development of NAIT’s new Advanced Skills Centre (ASC). The ASC will aim to become a global leader in apprenticeship and cutting-edge, technology-based education, focusing on four key sectors: construction, transportation, manufacturing, and energy. During the announcement, Minister of Advanced Education Rajan Sawhney highlighted the ASC’s role in meeting Alberta’s growing economic demands by expressing that “Alberta is leading the way in skills and trades education”. With construction set to begin in 2025, the ASC will add 640,000 square feet of modern learning space to NAIT’s campus. This expansion will allow over 4,000 additional apprentices to graduate from NAIT each year, an institute which already boasts a 30% student representation in full-time apprenticeship and skilled trades programs. This investment in the development of the ASC is crucial for ensuring that Albertans wishing

Skilled workers play an important role in Trans Mountain Pipeline completion

This week, the first tanker filled with oil delivered by the Trans Mountain Pipeline left the Vancouver port for overseas markets. As Canada’s newest pipeline, Trans Mountain is delivering oil from Edmonton based refineries to tidewater in B.C., opening important new Pacific markets for Alberta energy resources, including Washington State, California, South Korean, Japan, China and India. “By providing Alberta with tidewater access to global markets the TMX Pipeline Project will ensure a strong future for our energy sector and continued investment in new energy infrastructure and create well-paying jobs throughout Alberta,” said CLRA President Joe McFadyen. “Our member companies, contractors and workers look forward to ensuring the viability of our province’s energy sector and meeting the energy needs of countries around the world.” Read more here:

CLRA Teaming Up with the Edmonton Elks

CLRA is excited to announce a new partnership with the Edmonton Elks for the 2024 season! This partnership is an important addition to our ongoing efforts to attract more people to work in the skilled trades. Just as we are proud of our local skilled tradespeople and the work they do, we are also proud to support and help build the CFL football community in Edmonton and northern Alberta this year. CLRA is planning events and promotions at all Elks home games this season. CLRA is proud to be this year’s Edmonton Elks Tailgate Presenting Partner! We hope you will join us in cheering on the Elks during their 75th season by joining us at one of the tailgate parties at this year’s home games. Click here for the schedule And whether you are at Commonwealth Stadium or watching on television, look for CLRA’s BuildYourFuture display ads at the games! Elks Football…Our Team Our City!

ATCO project to bring thousands of jobs to Alberta

ATCO Energy Systems announced its plans to launch the Yellowhead Mainline Project, a new energy infrastructure that will expand the capacity and efficiency of Alberta’s natural gas network. It will support energy, petrochemical, building materials and hydrogen projects that use natural gas and carbon-capture technology to produce products with lower emissions than previously possible. The project is expected to create more than 2,000 jobs during construction and will provide gas supply for the more than $20 billion of investment in associated employment in Alberta via its customers, including the Dow Fort Saskatchewan Path2Zero project. “Dow appreciates the partnership with ATCO to supply Dow’s Path2Zero project. Together, these projects will have a profound positive impact on communities, creating jobs and economic opportunity for Alberta,” says Diego Ordonez, President of Dow Canada.

Provincial Skills Canada Competition 2024

Construction Labour Relations Alberta is hosting an exhibitor booth at this year’s Provincial Skills Canada Competition from May 8 to 9 at the Edmonton Expo Centre. Skills Alberta Canada will present the largest trade and technology career exploration event in Alberta, and CLRA is delighted to connect with the next generation of skilled and technology professionals.  Every year, Skills Canada Alberta hosts the Provincial Skills Canada Competition, an Olympic-style contest with 700 competitors showcasing their talent in 3D digital game art, robotics, cabinet making, sheet metal work, and more. The event celebrates skilled and technology professions and is a gateway to a world of career opportunities for secondary and post-secondary students. Hosting more than 80 of Alberta’s top employers, associations, labour groups, training institutes, and government partners, the event offers youth and young adults a large platform to explore a wide variety of skills, trades, and careers. It’s an exciting opportunity for the next generation to learn about different industries and participate in competitions, which will pave the way for their future success. We look forward to partnering with Skills Canada Alberta and meeting the industry’s next generation.

CLRA meets with Minister of Advanced Education

CLRA President Joe McFadyen and Board Chair Bonnie Smith represented members at a meeting with Alberta’s Minister of Advanced Education Rajan Sawhney at the Alberta Legislature earlier this week. This was an important opportunity to discuss opportunities for partnerships between unionized construction employers and the provincial government, and solutions to develop the skilled trades workforce through education, training & apprenticeship opportunities – like the recently announced partnership between the ministry and IUOE 955. Over an hour-long meeting, CLRA discussed how members’ workforce development initiatives align with the Government of Alberta’s efforts to address the labour shortage in the construction industry. We also talked about our Seed vs. Sod approach to enticing workers to our province, and encouraging young people to build rewarding careers in our industry. CLRA looks forward to developing our relationships with our provincial government further, and to convening valuable policy discussions about skilled worker education, training, and economic development with Minister Sawhney and her cabinet colleagues, our unionized construction employer members, and our colleagues across all building trades.

Construction Sector Leads Alberta Job Growth in 2023-24

The Alberta government has released their latest report on labour market trends, based on data from Statistics Canada. Below are some of the key highlights and trends that are shaping Alberta’s labour landscape. One of the standout findings is the strong year-over-year job growth in the construction industry. Our sector has been the leading contributor to the province’s employment gains, with 12,767 more Albertans employed in the sector in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. This is welcome news to our members and workers. At the same time Alberta’s average weekly earnings were $1,297.76, showing a 2.5% year-over-year increase, indicating positive income growth for workers. In addition, the job vacancy rate in Alberta stood at 3.4%, reflecting a very competitive labour market. For 2023, the average annual job vacancy rate in Alberta came in at 4.2% compared to 4.8% in 2022 and 2.6% in 2019. The strong economy in our province continues to attract people to come west and fill the available jobs. Alberta has led Canada in population growth, up 4.4 per cent from a year ago. International migration contributed two-thirds of the overall provincial population gains. We also saw the highest net