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BuildForce releases annual Construction and Maintenance Looking Forward reports

Each year, BuildForce Canada produces Construction and Maintenance Looking Forward reports for every province and territory in Canada. These reports assist policymakers in predicting labour force needs and determining the trades and occupations that will likely be in high demand over a 10-year projected period.

This year’s report for Alberta indicates that there will be no change in overall construction employment in 2023. By 2032, however, the residential sector is expected to decrease employment by 7,000 workers, while non-residential employment is projected to peak in 2030, employing nearly 117,000 workers.

Growth in the non-residential sector will be fueled by ongoing projects, including major road and highway construction, healthcare and educational infrastructure developments, commercial and industrial initiatives, public transportation expansions and oil and gas industry expansion.

The construction labor force in Alberta is expected to increase by 4,900 workers during the projected period. With an anticipated retirement of 38,200 workers, the industry will need to recruit and train an additional 43,100 workers.

You can access the 2023 Construction and Maintenance Looking Forward reports on the BuildForce website.

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